
Recent Roles

Senior Software Developer Liberty Mutual Insurance (August 2017 - Present)
My role on this team is to help with the development of features for portal for companies looking for group benefits. This includes the creation of a new version of a shared component library, and enhancing shared Portal functionality.
  • Detected client artifact by using Webpack build analysis. After resolving the issue, this reduced artifact payload by ~50%.
  • Implemented new functionality into the application, including the ability to look up Broker users within the system and recovering usernames/passwords
  • Team member working on a shared Component Library. Includes moving from Bootstrap to custom-built SCSS, rewriting React components, maintain CI/CD build pipeline, and improving the release process.
  • Run Component Library team by running a backlog, Kanban board, and doing weekly backlog grooming.
  • Acted as a mentor for existing developers to help them progress through their career.
ES2015+, React, Mocha/Chai, Sinon, Sass, Bootstrap, Webpack, Bamboo, Java, Spring,
Senior Software Developer Liberty Mutual Insurance (June 2016 - August 2017)
My role on this team was to help lead the implementation of a new online claim status tracking web app. This includes designs of major portions of the functionality of the app such as tracking a claim through phases and enabling documents to be uploaded.
  • Designed and wrote application using the portfolio's front-end architecture (React/Redux, Express/Node, and modern JS). The old architecture was Javascript ES5 and Dojo.
  • Designed and wrote application using the portfolio's System of Engagement architecture (Express/Node, MongoDB, and GraphQL). The old architecture did not include a System of Engagement, interacting directly with the back-end System of Record.
  • Enhanced Webpack builds that reduced build artifact size by ~25% to improve application load times.
  • Set up automated functional tests within our app using Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) techniques and Webdriver IO.
  • Acted as a technical coach to existing developers who were new to the architecture, as well as new developers just starting to code for the first time.
  • Participated in customer testing and usability studies to determine the behavior our app should have.
ES2015, React, Redux, Apollo Client, Mocha/Chai, Sinon, ExpressJS, NodeJS, GraphQL, WebDriverIO, Sass, Webpack, Bamboo, MongoDB
Software Developer Liberty Mutual Insurance (June 2015 - June 2016)
My role on this team was to build major features of a new online claim filing web app. This included designing the original navigation system, setting up our initial pass at the apollo-client, and implementing pieces of the newly created functional test suite.
  • Selected the new application's front-end architecture (React/Redux, Express/Node, and modern JS). The old architecture was Javascript ES5 and Dojo.
  • Determined the use of a System of Engagement back-end architecture (Express/Node, MongoDB, and GraphQL). The old architecture did not include a System of Engagement.
  • Helped implement the department-wide use of automated functional tests within our app using BDD-techniques and Webdriver IO.
  • Presented to stakeholders and worked with them to gain feedback to improve upon the product.
  • Participated in UX testing, analytics, and validated learning techniques to improve our product. This allowed us determine needed functionality and test assumptions about our user experience.
ES2015, React, Redux, Apollo Client, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Jest, WebDriverIO, GraphQL, CSS

Prior Roles

Software Developer Liberty Mutual Insurance (June 2013 - June 2015)
Javascript, Dojo, NodeJS, Sinon, DOH
Associate Software Developer Liberty Mutual Insurance (June 2011 - June 2013)
Javascript, Dojo, Sass, Sinon, DOH, Java, WID
Student Intern Software Forge Inc (May 2010 - May 2011)
C#, .NET 4.0, NUnit
Programming Assistance Center - Consultant Software Forge Inc (Sept 2008 - May 2011)
Java, C, Linux, SSH
Web Developer & Technical Support Global Online Electronic Services (May 2006 - Jan 2010)
PHP, MySQL, IIS, Linux, Windows Server 2000, Apache, HTML, CSS

Side Projects

  1. apollo-client - "When Non-OK Response Received from fetch, throw an error including the response"
  2. apollo-client - "Invoke afterware after any kind of response"
  3. mime-types - "Add in new public function - lookupAll()"
  4. mockerana - A small tool for generating mock data in F#
  5. City Codes - One of my first functional programming (FP) explorations
  6. fp-challenges - A repository of small challenges to explore and understand FP concepts


University of New Hampshire - BS Computer Science - May 2011
Hackettstown High School - June 2007